
Final Environmental Impact Statement for Savannah Harbor Expansion Project

Final General Re-Evaluation Report for Savannah Harbor Expansion Project

Supplemental Studies Contained in Appendix C

Dredging Impacts

  • Bank Erosion Study Update June 2011 (pdf)
  • DOTS Request for Tech Assist Dredge Vertical Const Accuracy March 2006 (pdf)
  • Dredged Material Physical Analysis Report 2002. Part A (pdf), Part B (pdf), Part C (pdf), Part D (pdf), Part E (pdf), Part F (pdf), Part G (pdf), Part H (pdf)
  • Entrance Channel Nearshore Placement of Dredged Material Study July 2003 (pdf)
  • Memorandum Subject Harbor Entrance Channel Simulations 2010 March 2010 (pdf)
  • Memorandum Subject Material Fines for Harbor Sediments August 2003 (pdf)
  • Memorandum Subject Savannah Harbor Simulations Study 2009 March 2009 (pdf)
  • Navigation Study for Savannah Harbor Channel Improvements September 2004 (pdf)
  • Reanalysis of Ship Forces at the Shoreline in Savannah Harbor July 2011 (pdf)
  • Savannah Harbor Expansion Bank Erosion Study November 2006 (pdf)
  • Savannah Harbor Expansion Bank Stability Report July 2010 (pdf)
  • SHEP Dredged Material Management Plan January 2012 (pdf)
  • Ship Forces on the Shoreline of the Savannah Harbor Project August 2006 (pdf)
  • Vertical Ship Motion Study for Savannah, GA Entrance Channel June 2011 (pdf)

Engineering Reports

  • Channel Extension Boring Locations (2010) (pdf)
  • Correspondence Regarding Pipeline Crossings May 2008 (pdf)
  • Data Analysis and Modeling Expectations of Federal Agencies Nov 2001 (pdf)
  • Model Comparison Report July 29, 2011 (pdf)
  • Savannah Harbor Expansion Project Channel Extension Evaluation July 2011 (pdf)
  • Value Engineering Study Summary Report SHEP June 2008 (pdf)

Environmental Impacts

  • Chloride Impact Evaluation Impacts of Harbor Deepening Only February 2007 (pdf)
  • Eval of Marsh Wetland Impacts Proposed Mitigation Plan (Addendum) Jul 2011 (pdf)
  • Evaluation of Chloride Impacts with Proposed Mitigation Plan Dec 2007 (pdf)
  • Evaluation of Hurricane Surge Impacts Proposed Mitigation Plan Dec 2007 (pdf)
  • Evaluation of Marsh Wetland Impacts Proposed Mitigation Plan Nov 2007 (pdf)
  • Evaluation of Water Quality Impacts Proposed Mitigation Plan Sep 2009 (pdf)
  • Hurricane Surge Modeling September 2005 (pdf)
  • Impact of Sav Navigation Project on Tybee Island Shelf and Shoreline Apr 2008 (pdf)
  • Impacts of Savannah Harbor Expansion Project October 2006 (pdf)
  • Mitigation Evaluation for Marsh Wetland Impacts November 2007. Part A (pdf), Part B (pdf)
  • Raw Water Storage Impoundment Geotechnical Evaluation December 2011 (pdf)
  • Savannah Seawater Effects Study December 2011 (pdf)
  • Sediment Quality Evaluation January 2012 (pdf)
  • Sedimentation Analysis July 2009 (pdf)
  • Sensitivity Analysis of Proposed Navigation Meeting Areas Sep 2009 (pdf)
  • Sensitivity Analysis of Proposed Sill on Middle River September 2009 (pdf)
  • SHEP Impacts to OM January 2012 (pdf)


  • Savannah Harbor Long Term Management Strategy August 1996 (pdf)

Water Quality

  • Analysis of Oxygen Injection in the Back River July 26, 2011 (pdf)
  • Chloride Data Analysis and Model Development November 2006 (pdf)
  • Correspondence Regarding Hydrodynamic & Water Quality Model Acceptability (pdf)
  • Development of the Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Models January 2006 (pdf)
  • Modeling of GPA's Oxygen Injection Demonstration Project July 2009 (pdf)
  • Oxygen Injection Design Report October 2010 (pdf)
  • Potential Ground-Water Impacts to the Upper Floridan Aquifer June 2007. Part A (pdf), Part B (pdf), Part C (pdf)
  • Savannah Harbor Reoxygenation Demonstration Project August 2009. Part A (pdf), Part B (pdf), Part C (pdf), Part D (pdf), Part E (pdf), Part F (pdf), Part G (pdf), Part H (pdf), Part I (pdf), Part J (pdf)
  • Savannah Harbor Reoxygenation Demonstration Project. Part A (pdf), Part B (pdf), Part C (pdf), Part D (pdf), Part E (pdf), Part F (pdf), Part G (pdf), Part H (pdf), Part I (pdf)
  • Screening Level Eval of Measures to Improve DO in the Sav River Estuary (pdf)
  • SHEP Chloride Modeling Savannah Harbor Expansion Project (pdf)
  • Simulation of Specific Conductance and Chloride Concentration in Abercorn Creek (pdf)
  • Simulations of Water Levels and Salinity in the Rivers and Tidal Marshes 2006 (pdf)
  • Supplemental Water Supply to City Intake at Abercorn Creek April 2011 (pdf)
  • Water Quality Impacts of the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project February 2007 (pdf)

Wildlife, Fisheries and Habitats

  • Assessment of Chloride Impact from Savannah Harbor Deepening April 29, 2011 (pdf)
  • Design Estimate Fish Passage Facility December (pdf)
  • Eval of Fishery Habitat Impacts with Proposed Mitigation Plan Jan 2010 (pdf)
  • Habitat Impacts of the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project October 2006 (pdf)
  • New Savannah Bluff Lock and Dam Fish Passage Facility Engineering Rpt Dec 2002 (pdf)
  • SHEP ATM MSM Wetland Marsh Impact Evaluations May 2007. Part A (pdf), Part B (pdf), Part C (pdf), Part D (pdf), Part E (pdf)
  • SHEP USGS MSM Wetland Marsh Impact Evaluations June 2007. Part A (pdf), Part B (pdf), Part C (pdf), Part D (pdf), Part E (pdf)
  • SNS Habitat Impacts (Adult Summer) with Proposed Mitigation Plan Mar 11, 2011 (pdf)
  • SNS Habitat Impacts (Adult Winter) with Proposed Mitigation Plan Mar 9, 2011 (pdf)
  • SNS Habitat Impacts (Juvenile Winter) with Proposed Mitigation Plan Mar 9, 2011 (pdf)
  • Wetland Marsh Impact Evaluation February 2007 (pdf)

Additional Reading (external links)

  • Ahern, C. P., & Hazelton, J. M. 2002. Continuous Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Monitoring in Support of Three-Dimensional Modeling of the Lower Savannah River Estuary. Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation.Conference Article.Hydrodynamic, water quality. (link)
  • Ahern, C. P., & Yassuda, E. A. 2002. Development of A Three Dimensional Dissolved Oxygen Model for the Lower Savannah River Estuary. Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation, Watershed 2002.Conference Article. Dissolved oxygen. (link)
  • Bahr, D. L. 2016. Recruitment of Juvenile Atlantic Sturgeon in the Savannah River, Georgia. Journal Article. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 2016. (link)
  • Bahr, D. L., & Peterson, D. L. 2017. Status of the Shortnose Sturgeon Population in the Savannah River, Georgia. Journal Article. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. (link)
  • Bhadury, J. 2016. Panama Canal Expansion and its Impact on East and Gulf Coast Ports of USA. Journal Article. Maritime Policy & Management. (link)
  • Bossart, J., Kitchens, W., & Dusek, M. L. 2002. Assessing salinity induced changes to tidal freshwater and oligohaline marsh habitats in the lower Savannah River. Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation, Watershed 2002. Conference Article. Salinity, tidal freshwater, marsh, habitat. (link)
  • Briggs, M. J., Kopp, P. J., Silver, A. L., et al. 2015. Probabilistic model for predicting deep-draught channel design: Savannah, GA entrance channel. Hournal Article. Ocean Engineering. (link).
  • Briggs, M. J., Henderson, W. G. 2011. Vertical ship motion study for Savannah, GA entrance channel. Report. Engineer Research and Development Center Vicksburg ms Coastal And Hydraulics Lab. (link).
  • Briggs, M. J., Silver, A., Kopp, P. J., et al. 2012. Validation of a Risk-Based Numerical Model for Predicting Deep-Draft Underkeel Clearance. Journal Article. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering. (link).
  • Carse, A., & Lewis, J. A. 2017. Toward a Political Ecology of Infrastructure Standards: Or, How to Think About Ships, Waterways, Sediment, and Communities Together. Journal Article. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. (link)
  • Collins, M. R., Post, W. C., & Russ, D. C. 2000. Distribution of Shortnose Sturgeon in the Lower Savannah River. Georgia Ports Authority. Report. Sturgeon, distribution. (pdf)
  • Davie, S., Greenfield, J., Anderson, W., & Plis, Y. 2005. TMDL Development for the Savannah Harbor Estuary: Problem, Approach, and Tools. Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation, National TMDL Science and Policy 2005. Conference Article. TMDL. (link)
  • Davie, S. 2016. Savannah Harbor Expansion Project—Simulating Future Conditions in the Harbor. Conference Article. 14th Triennial International Conference Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses American Society of Civil Engineers. (link)
  • Ellis, J. B. 2002. Evaluating the Potential Effects of Savannah Harbor Modifications on Estuarine Resources. Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation, Watershed 2002. Conference Article. Estuarine resources. (link)
  • Ellis, J. B. 2002. Developing a Modeling Approach to Evaluate the Potential Effects of Savannah Harbor Modifications on A TMDL for Dissolved Oxygen through Stakeholder Involvement. Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation, National TMDL Science and Policy 2002. Conference Article. TMDL, dissolved oxygen. (link)
  • Ellis, J. B., & Ahern, C. 2003. Implications for TMDL Development from Proposed Harbor Modifications. Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation, National TMDL Science and Policy 2003. Conference Article. TMDL (link)
  • Godfrey, S. 2018. Herpetofauna Occupancy and Community Composition Along a Tidal Swamp Salinity Gradient. Thesis. Clemson University. (link)
  • Godfrey, S., Waddle, J., Baldwin, R. et al. 2020. Herpetofauna Occupancy and Community Composition along a Tidal Swamp Salinity Gradient. Wetlands 40, 1561-1575. (link)
  • Güt, J. A. 2015. Characterizing and comparing fish assemblages near the mouth of the Savannah River, Georgia. 82 p. M.S. Thesis. Savannah State University.
  • Güt, J. A., & Curran, M. C. 2017. Assessment of Fish Assemblages Before Dredging of the Shipping Channel Near the Mouth of the Savannah River in Coastal Georgia. Journal Article. Estuaries and coasts. (link)
  • Hager, C.H., Watterson, J.C. & Kahn, J.E., 2020. Spawning Drivers and Frequency of Endangered Atlantic Sturgeon in the York River System. Transactions of the American Fishery Society, 149: 474-485. (link)
  • Ingram, E. C., Peterson, D. L. & Fox, A. G., 2020. Abundance of Endangered Shortnose Sturgeon (Acipenser Brevirostrum) in the Altamaha River in Georgia. Fishery Bulletin, vol. 118, no. 2, pp. 198+. Gale Academic OneFile, (link)
  • Judson, E., Darden, T.L., Farrae, D., Leitner, J. & Peoples, B.K. 2021. Nesting Microhabitat Use and Hybridisation of Endemic Bartram's Bass in Savannah River Tributaries. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. 30:306-319. (link)
  • Kazyak, D.C., White, S.L., Lubinski, B.A., Johnson,R. & Eackles, M., 2021. Stock Composition of Atlantic Sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus) Encountered in Marine and Estuarine Environments on the U.S. Atlantic Coast. Conservation Genetics 22, 767-781. (link)
  • Kieffer, J.D., & Bard, B., 2022. Critical Thermal Maximum and Minimum of Juvenile Shortnose Sturgeon (Acipenser Brevirostrum) Acclimated to 12 and 18°C. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 38, 526-530. (link)
  • Kieffer, J.D. & May, L.E., 2020. Repeat UCrit and Endurance Swimming in Juvenile Shortnose Sturgeon (Acipenser Brevirostrum). J Fish Biol.; 96: 1379-1387. (link)
  • Mendelsohn, D. L., Peene, S., Saunders, W., & Goodrich, M. 2003. Three-Dimensional Modeling of Anthropogenic Impacts to Dissolved Oxygen in a Stratified Estuarine Environment: Savannah River Estuary. Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation, National TMDL Science and Policy 2003. Conference Article. Dissolved oxygen. (link)
  • Mullens, III D. W. B. 2013. Dredging the Port of Savannah to Deepen Georgia's Connections Worldwide. Journal Article. Ga. J. Int'l & Comp. L (link)
  • Nzengung, V. A., &, Redmond B. 2016. On-Site Neutralization of Civil War Munitions Recovered From an Underwater Environment. Journal Article. Marine Technology Society Journal. (link)
  • Penny, F.M. Bugg, W.S., Kieffer, J.D., Jeffries, K.M., & Pavey, S.A. 2023. Atlantic Sturgeon and Shortnose Sturgeon Exhibit Highly Divergent Transcriptomic Responses to Acute Heat Stress. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D: Genomics and Proteomics, Volume 45, 101058, ISSN 1744-117X, (link)
  • Ramos, S. J. 2014. Planning for Competitive Port Expansion on the US Eastern Seaboard: the Case of the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project. Journal Article. Journal of Transport Geography. (link)
  • Reid, R. L. 2015. Sunken Confederate Ironclad Being Raised for Savannah Harbor Expansion. Journal Article. Civil Engineering—ASCE. (link)
  • Riggs, B. N. 2017. Effects of Density and Bathymetry on Salinity Transport in the Savannah Estuary: Port Wentworth to I-95. Thesis. Georgia Southern University. (link)
  • Rivero, R., Smith, A., Ballal, H., et al. 2015. Promoting Collaborative Geodesign in a Multidisciplinary and Multiscale Environment: Coastal Georgia 2050, USA. Journal Article. Digital Landscape Architecture. (link)
  • Roose, R., Oliver, M., Haulsee, D., Breece, M., Carlisle, A. & Fox, D., 2022. The Sociality of Atlantic Sturgeon and Sand Tiger Sharks in an Estuarine Environment, Animal Behaviour, Volume 193, Pages 181-191, ISSN 0003-3472, (link)
  • Rothermel, E. R., Balazik, M. T., Best, J. E., Breece, M. W., Fox, D. A., Gahagan, B. I., Haulsee, D. E., Higgs, A. L., O'Brien, M. H. P., Oliver, M. J., Park, I. A., & Secor, D. H. 2020. Comparative Migration Ecology of Striped Bass and Atlantic Sturgeon in the US Southern Mid-Atlantic Bight Flyway. Plos One, 15(6): e0234442, (link)
  • Rosenquist, S. E., & Hintz, C. J. 2019. Supporting Coastal Resiliency by Investigating Tidal Reach and Inter-Connected Factors in Coastal Georgia. Journal of South Carolina Water Resources: Vol. 6. (link)
  • Smith, H. C. & McIntosh, M. G. 2007. The Role of Paleochannels in Saltwater Intrusion in the Savannah Harbor Area. Geological Society of America, Southeastern Section, 56th annual meeting. Conference Article. Saltwater. (link)
  • Van Den Avyle, M. J., & Maynard, M. A. 1994. Effects of Saltwater Intrusion and Flow Diversion on Reproductive Success of Striped Bass in the Savannah River Estuary. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. Journal Article. Bass, saltwater intrusion, flow diversion. (link)
  • Vine, J. R. 2018. Migration Cues and Abundance Estimation of Imperiled Sturgeon in the Savannah River. Thesis. Clemson University. (link)
  • Vine, J. R., Holbrook, S. C., Post, W. C., et al. 2019. Identifying Environmental Cues for Atlantic Sturgeon and Shortnose Sturgeon Spawning Migrations in the Savannah River. Journal Article. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. (link)
  • Wetzel, P. R., & Kitchens, W. M. 2007. Vegetation Change from Chronic Stress Events: Detection of the Effects of Tide Gate Removal and Long-Term Drought on a Tidal Marsh. Journal of Vegetation Science, 18: 431-442. (link)
  • Winger, P. V., & Lasier, P. J. 1994. Effects of Salinity on Striped Bass Eggs and Larvae from the Savannah River, Georgia.Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. Journal Article. Bass, salinity, larvae. (link)
  • Winger, P. V., & Lasier, P. J. 1995. Sediment toxicity in Savannah Harbor. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. Journal Article. Sediment, toxicity. (link)
  • Winger, P. V., Schultz, D. P., & Johnson, W. W. 1990. Environmental Contaminant Concentrations in Biota from the Lower Savannah River, Georgia and South Carolina. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. Journal Article. Contamination, biota. (link)
  • Wirgin, I., Fox, A.G., Maceda, L. & Waldman, J., 2023. Two Distinct Life History Strategies of Atlantic Sturgeon in the Ogeechee River, Georgia. Diversity, 15, 325. (link)

Additional Reading (pdf files)

Dredging Impacts

  • Applied Technology and Management, Inc. 2002. Savannah Harbor Beach Erosion Study. USACE Civil Works-Savannah Harbor Expansion. Beach erosion. (pdf)
  • Bruns, A. 2012. Gateway to Opportunity. Business Source Complete, Site Selection. Sep 2012, Vol. 57 Issue 5, p91-106. Infrastructure, industrial expansion, port and harbor operations. (pdf)
  • Goodrich, M., Way, F., & Liu, H. 2003. Evaluating Beach and Nearshore Sediment Transport Impacts from the Proposed Deepening of the Savannah Harbor. Proceedings of the 2003 Georgia Water Resources Conference. Conference Article. Sediment, transportation. (pdf)
  • Schuberth, C. J. 2001. Proposed Savannah Harbor Deepening and Possible Impact on Floridan Aquifer. Proceedings of the 2001 Georgia Water Resources Conference. Conference Article. (pdf)
  • Semmes, R. M., Ahern, C. P., Craven, H. J., Callahan, B. M., & Goodrich, M. 2003. Monitoring Suspended Sediment Plumes to Evaluate the Effects of Agitation Dredging in Savannah Harbor. Proceedings of the 13th Biennial Coastal Zone Conference. Conference Article. Sediment plumes, agitation, dredging. Poster. (pdf).
  • Way, F., Ahern, C. P., Semmes, R., & Goodrich, M. 2007. Effects of Agitation Dredging in Savannah Harbor. Fifth International Workshop on Dynamic Analysis (WODA 2007). Conference Article.Agitation Dredging, sediment. (pdf)
  • Winger, P. V., Lasier, P. J., White, D. H., & Seginak, J. T. 2000. Effects of Contaminants in Dredge Material from the Lower Savannah River. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology.Journal Article.Contaminant, dredge. (pdf)

Engineering Reports

  • Ashar, A. 2012. Port of Savannah’s Channel. Southern Environmental Law Center. Report. critical review. (pdf)
  • Ballard, J. N. 1999. Chief's report on Savannah Harbor Expansion Feasibilty Study. Department of the Army. Report. Feasability. (pdf)
  • Bostick, T. P. 2012. Report of the Chief of Engineers. USACE Civil Works-Savannah Harbor Expansion. Report. (pdf)
  • Framatome ANP DE&S, Inc. 2002. New Savannah Bluff Lock and Dam Fish Passage Facility Engineering Rpt Dec 2002. USACE Civil Works-Savannah Harbor Expansion. Report. Fish passage. (pdf)
  • Maynord, S. T. 2007. Ship Forces on the Shoreline of the Savannah Harbor Project. Engineer Research and Development Center Vicksburg MS Coastal and Hydraulics LAB Report. Shoreline erosion. (pdf)
  • Smith, J. M., Stauble, D. K., Williams, B. P., & Wutkowski, M. J. 2008. Impact of Savannah Harbor Deep Draft Navigation Project on Tybee Island Shelf and Shoreline. Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center. Report. Island shelf, shoreline. (pdf)
  • Tetra Tech. Inc. 2010. Oxygen Injection Design Report October 2010. USACE Civil Works-Savannah Harbor Expansion. Report. Oxygen injection. (pdf)
  • USACE. 2008. Value Engineering Study Summary Report. USACE Civil Works-Savannah Harbor Expansion. Report. (pdf)
  • USACE, GPA, EIS. 2012. Final General Re-Evaluation Report. USACE Civil Works-Savannah Harbor Expansion. Report. (link).


  • Crosby, L. G., Caldwell, N., & Badr, B. 2001. Savannah River Basin Comprehensive Water Resources Management Study. Proceedings of the 2001 Georgia Water Resources Conference. Conference Article. Water resource, management. (pdf)
  • Daamen, R. C., Roehl, E. A., Conrads, P. A., & Kitchens, W. M. .2006. Integrating 3D hydrodynamic transport and ecological plant models of Savannah River estuary using artificial neural network models. 7th International Conference on Hydroinformatics. Conference Article. Hydrodynamic transport, ecological plant modeling. (pdf)
  • Dodd, M. S. 1994. Lower Savannah River Environmental Restoration Study. Water Quality '94 Proceedings of the 10th Seminar. Conference Article. Environmental restoration. (pdf)
  • Durden, S. E. 1993.Long Term Management Strategy for Maintaining Savannah Harbor. Georgia Institute of Technology, Institute of Natural Resources.Conference Article. Long term planning, management strategy. (pdf)
  • Flite, O., Eidson, G., Moak, J., Metts, B., & Sefick, S. 2007. Preliminary Data From A Comprehensive Savannah River Study: The First 6 Months. Proceedings of the 2007 Georgia Water Resources Conference. Conference Article. Data. (pdf)
  • Twumasi, Y. A., & Merem, E. C. 2008. Geospatial Information Systems Analysis of Regional Environmental Change along the Savannah River Basin of Georgia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Article. Environmental change. (pdf)
  • Wrona, A., Wear, D., Ward, J., Sharitz, R., Rosenzweig, J., Richardson, J. P., & Batzer, D. 2007. Restoring ecological flows to the lower Savannah River: A collaborative scientific approach to adaptive management. Proceedings of the 2007 Georgia Water Resources Conference. Conference Article. Ecological flows (pdf)
  • Will, T. A., Reinert, T. R., & Jennings, C. A. 2001. Assessment of spawning sites and reproductive status of striped bass, Morone saxatilis, in the Savannah River Estuary. The Georgia Ports Authority. Report. Striped bass, reproductive status (final report-pdf) (appendices-pdf) (tables-pdf) (figures-pdf)

Water Quality

  • Anderson, M. C. 1995. Overview of the EPA Savannah River Watershed Project. Proceedings of the 1995 Georgia Water Resources Conference. Conference Article. watershed. (pdf)
  • Anderson, M. C. 1993. A Watershed Protection Project: The Savannah River. Georgia Institute of Technology, Institute of Natural Resources. Conference Article. watershed, human health risk. (pdf)
  • Bailey, W., EuDaly, E., Miller, G., & Brownell, P. 2005. Identifying impacts to estuarine wetlands from the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project. Proceedings of the 2005 Georgia Water Resources Conference. Conference Article. Estuarine wetlands. (pdf)
  • Clarke, J. S., Smith, C. H., & McConnell, J. B. 1999. Aquifer Interconnection in Eastern Chatham County, Georgia, as Indicated by Hydraulic and Water Chemistry Data. Proceedings of the 1999 Georgia Water Resources Conference.Conference Article. Aquifer. (pdf)
  • Conrads, P. A., Roehl, E. A., Daamen, R. C., & Kitchens, W. M. 2006. Simulation of Water Levels and Salinity in the Rivers and Tidal Marshes in the Vicinity of the Savannah National Wildlife Refuge, Coastal South Carolina and Georgia.U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2006€“5187. Report. Water quality, salinity, wildlife refuge. (pdf)
  • Conrads, P. A., Roehl, E. A., Daamen, R. C., Cook, J. B., & Sexton, C. T. 2010. Development of Decision Support Systems for Estimating Salinity Intrusion Effects due to Climate Change on the South Carolina and Georgia Coast. Proceedings of the 2010 South Carolina Water Resources Conference. Conference Article. Decision Support, salinity intrusion. (pdf)
  • Conrads, P. A., Roehl, E. A., Daamen, R. C., Cook, J. B., Sexton, C. T., Water, B. J., & Dow, K. 2010. Estimating Salinity Intrusion Effects Due to Climate Change on the Lower Savannah River Estuary. 2010 South Carolina Environmental Conference. Conference Article. Salinity, climate change.(pdf)
  • Conrads, P., & Greenfield, J. 2008. Effects of Reduced Controlled Releases from Lake Thurmond on Salinity Intrusion in the Lower Savannah River Estuary. Proceedings of the 2008 South Carolina Water Resources Conference. Conference Article. Salinity. (pdf)
  • Davie, S., Moorer, H., Rodriguez, H., & Plis, Y. 2010. Modeling of Oxygen Injection Experiment in Savannah Harbor. 12th Triannual International Conference on Ports. Conference Article. Oxygen injection. (pdf)
  • Foyle, A. M., Henry, V. J., & Alexander, C. R. 2002. Mapping the Threat of Seawater Intrusion in a Regional Coastal Aquifer€“aquitard System in the Southeastern United States. Environmental Geology. Journal Article. Seawater intrusion..(pdf)
  • Foyle, A. M., Henry, V. J., & Alexander, C. R. .2001. Using Marine Reflection Seismics to Identify Potential Seawater Intrusion Sites in the UpperFloridan Aquifer of Coastal Georgia and South Carolina. Proceedings of the 2001 Georgia Water Resources Conference. Conference Article. Seawater intrusion. (pdf)
  • Goodrich, M., & Mendelsohn, D. L. 2003. Calibration of a 3-D Hydrodynamic and Salinity Model of the Savannah River Estuary. Proceedings of the 2003 Georgia Water Resources Conference. Conference Article. hydrodynamic, salinity. (pdf)
  • Hampton, D.K. 1994. Water Quality Changes in the Savannah Harbor Following Modifications. Water Quality '94 Proceedings of the 10th Seminar. Conference Article. Water quality. (pdf)
  • Maimone, M., & Hossain, R. P. 2005. Saltwater Intrusion Modeling of the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project. Proceedings of the 2005 Georgia Water Resources Conference. Conference Article. Saltwater. (pdf)
  • McFarlin, C., & Alber, M. 2005. Assessment of Coastal Water Resources and Watershed Conditions at Fort Pulaski National Monument, Georgia. USNPS.Technical Report. Coastal water resource, watershed. (pdf)
  • McFarlin, C., & Alber, M. 2007. Coastal Watershed Condition Assessment of Fort Pulaski National Monument. Proceedings of the 2007 Georgia Water Resources Conference. Conference Article. Coastal watershed. (pdf)
  • Mendelsohn, D. L., Peene, S., Yassuda, E., & Davie, S. 1999. A Hydrodynamic Model Calibration Study of the Savannah River Estuary with an Examination of Factors Affecting Salinity Intrusion. Estuarine and Coastal Modeling. Journal Article. estuarine modeling; coastal modeling. (pdf)
  • Rosenquist, S. E., Moak, J. W., & Flite, O. P. 2013. Modeling Biochemical Oxygen Demand through the Middle and Lower Savannah River. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. Journal Article. Oxygen Demand. (pdf)
  • Smith, H. C., & McIntosh, M. G. 2005. Assessment of Saltwater Migration through the upper Floridan Confining Unit in the Savannah Harbor Area. Proceedings of the 2005 Georgia Water Resources Conference. Conference Article. Saltwater migration. (pdf)
  • Tetra Tech. Inc. 2005. Development of the hydrodynamic and water quality models for the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project. Skidaway Institute of Oceanography. Book. Hydrodynamic, water quality. (pdf)

    Wildlife, Fisheries and Habitats

  • Collins, M. R., Post, W. C., Russ, D. C., & Smith, T. I. 2002. Habitat Use and Movements of Juvenile Shortnose Sturgeon in the Savannah River, Georgia-South Carolina. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. Journal Article. Habitat, movement, sturgeon. (pdf)
  • Collins, M. R., Rogers, S. G., Smith, T. I., & Moser, M. L. 2000. Primary factors affecting sturgeon populations in the southeastern United States: fishing mortality and degradation of essential habitats. Bulletin of Marine Science. Journal Article.Sturgeon, mortality, degradation, habitat. (pdf)
  • Covington, E. L., Fischer, R. A., Guilfoyle, M. P., et al. 2016. Birds of the Savannah Harbor Navigation Project, Dredged Material Disposal Areas, 19942012. Reports. US Army Corps of Engineer Savannah United States. (pdf)
  • DiMatteo, A. 2007. National Parks Conservation Association Natural Resource Assessment for Fort Pulaski National Monument. Duke University. Masters Project. Fort Pulaski, ecosystem, habitat, resource, air quality, soil and sediment, climate, biotic health. (pdf)
  • Duncan, W. W., Freeman, M. C., Jennings, C. A., & McLean, J. T. 2003. Considerations for flow alternatives that sustain Savannah River fish populations. Proceedings of the 2003 Georgia Water Resources Conference. Conference Article. (pdf)
  • Duncan, W., & EuDaly, E. 2003. Draft Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act Report on Savannah River Basin Comprehensive Study. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Southeast Region, Atlanta, Georgia. Report. Fish, Wildlife, river basin. (pdf)
  • Knight, L. L. 2009. Water quality and acoustic investigation of shortnose sturgeon habitat in the Savannah River. UGA. PHD. Water quality, shortnose sturgeon. (pdf)
  • McKay, S. K., Batt, L., Bringolf, R. B., Davie, S., Elkins, D. C., & Hoenke, K. 2013. Fish Passage in Georgia: Planning for the Future.Proceedings of the 2013 Georgia Water Resources Conference. Conference Article. Fish. (pdf)
  • Reinert, T. R., & Peterson, J. T. 2008. Modeling the Effects of Potential Salinity Shifts on the Recovery of Striped Bass in the Savannah River Estuary, Georgia€“South Carolina, United States. Environmental Management Journal Article. Salinity, striped bass. (pdf)
  • Reinert, T. R., Will, T. A., Jennings, C. A., & Davin, W. T. .2004. Use of Egg Surrogates to Estimate Sampling Efficiency of Striped Bass Eggs in the Savannah River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. Journal Article. Striped bass, sampling efficiency. (pdf)
  • Sanchez-Rubio, G., Fish, G. C., Jennings, C. A. 2015. Identifying and Evaluating the Distribution of Fishes, Crab, and Shrimp in the Savannah River Estuary. Report. US Army Corps of Engineers. (pdf)
  • Winger, P. V., & Lasier, P. J. 2004. Sediment Quality in Freshwater Impoundments at Savannah National Wildlife Refuge. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. Journal Article. Sediment quality, freshwater. (pdf)